The Center serves as a focal point for the southeast area of Albuquerque. It is utilized for community meetings. It also houses a computer school, services for senior citizens, weight room, gymnasium and other ooms available for multiple uses.
Situtated in Phil Chacon Park, the Center is a tribute to the dedication of the area residents who long advocated for its construction.
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Owner |
7505 Kathryn SE |
CDBG CIP County |
$1,112,031 $2,900,000 $1,000,000 |
City |
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Owner |
419 Pennsylvania SE |
CDBG CIP State |
$200,000 $158,000 $475,000 |
City |
RHI serves as the management company for this complex. The units are leased to clients of Health Care for the Homeless Transitional Living program. Through a grant from HUD, rent for these formerly homeless persons are subsidized by the City. During tenancy the residents participate in peer counseling programs to address the causes of their initial homelessness. Clients may remain in the program for a maximum of 2 years.
Rents in the apartment complex are $303 a month (utilities included)
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Owner |
Bell & Pennsylvania SE |
FHLB Private S+C |
$126,000 $180,000 $ 98,800 |
City |
Two buildings across the street from the original Center at 7525 Zuni SE, were put on the market in 1992. Though in need of renovation the additional 12,000 square feet available in the buildings made it prudent investment for the City.
The buildings were purchased and renovation was completed in 1996. Today they house the South East Heights Clinic, a primary health care clinic operated by UNM, and Young Children's Health Center, a pediatric clinic also operated by UNM. City administrative offices for the Center are also located in the building.
The Zuni building was also renovated in 1996. Current tenants include the Public Health Divisoin of the NM department of Health and Women, Infant and Children's Program of UNM.
Future renovation plans include the expansion of the South East Heights Clinic and Young Children's Health Center and addition of a dental clinic on the campus.
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Owner |
7525 Zuni SE 304 San Pablo SE 306 San Pablo SE |
CDBG CIP State |
$633,000 $125,000 $275,000 |
City |
The Trumbull Village Neighborhood Association as well as other community groups such as Turn Around Albuquerque were the primary movers in identifying this property as a major contributor to serious problems in the neighborhood. It was through their efforts that this property was brought to the attention of the City. The neighborhood has continued to be involved in the revitalization of this once decrepit property.
The City will be building 16 single family townhouses on the property. These homes will be available for sale to lower income families. Rura Housing is the project developer. The Greater Albuquerque Housing Partnership (GHAP) will be conducting community outreach to recruit eligible home buyers.
Once the homes are sold, the City will receive approximatley $1,200,000 back from its investment through permanent financing. The balance of funds invested in the project will be converted into "silent second mortgages" carried by the homebuyers.
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Owner |
San Pablo/Espanola at Bell SE |
$ 240,000 $1,490,000 |
City |
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Owner |
San Pablo between Southern and Zuni SE |
$ 100,000 |
Public Right of Way |
Specific actions taken were installation of traffic diverters to impede the flow of drug sales, increased and improved street lighting. Visual enhancements were also made such as the elimination of dumpseters and the use of roll out carts for garabage storage and collection.
These efforts have indeed resulted in a decrease in street drug activity and violent crime. There is a growing sense of community and children are once again playing on the streets. The NM Apartment Report covered the progress of this design in the Q1'97 edition.
The CPTED Design concepts This website provides background info on how to make your housing CPTED
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Owner |
Trumbull/La Mesa Streets |
$ 600,000 $ 50,000 $ 400,000 |
Public Right of Way |
Renovation begain in October and was completed in December 1995.
During the renovatoin phase of the project, the owners of the apartment complex immediatley south of the building expressed interest in selling their property. This building (532 San Pablo) was also very dilapidated. Though occupied, windows were covered with plywood, one unit had no heat and the general condition was very poor.
The building was purchase by RHI with a loan from the City in December of 1995. The tenants of the building were moved to the newly renovated units in 528 San Pablo. Rehabilitation of 532 San Pablo was completed in April 1996.
Apartments units in both properties are rented at $375/month including utilities.
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Owner |
528-532 San Pablo SE |
$ 87,800 $ 86,625 $ 46,175 |
Thorugh a grant from the City, Rural Housing, Inc. (RHI) purchase the 12 unit, 1 and 2 bedroom apartment complex in October of 1995. The City contributed $80,000 towards the renovation with the balance of the $100,000 provided through conventional financing.
Upon completion of renovation in April, 1996, six (6) of the apartments were reserved for participants of the "Bridges" program - a post release program for women from Bernalillo County Jail.
Rent for the units will be $320 a month for the 1 bedroom units and $375 a month for the two bedroom units.
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Owner |
636-644 Grove SE/Southern SE |
HOME Private GF Match |
$ 76,500 $ 100,000 $ 25,500 |
Left to deteriorate over the years, as with the property at San Pablo and Bell , it became a haven for drug dealing. Because it was unsecured it was also a dangerous nuisance for the children in the neighborhood.
The City has begun the legal process to secure the proprety through condemnation. Once acquired, the City will demolish the buildings and build new housing on the site.
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Owner |
Mesilla and Bell, SE |
State |
$ 49,000 |
N/A |
The Albuquerque Indian Center provides a variety of services to American Indians. Services include counseling, employment training and job placement, substance abuse prevention education and counseling and other support services.
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Owner |
105 Texas SE |
$ 302,358 |
N/A |
The complex was acquired in order to provide affordable housing and an office for the Peanut Butter and Jelly Program. This program works with low-income children with mental disabilities. The office area is also utilized for basic life skills education and training.
Rents for the units are based on income. Currently the 1-bedroom unit rent is $300 month, a 2-bedroom unit rents for $315-347 a month and the 3-bedroom rents for $394.
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Owner |
535-551 Texas NE 8112-8116 Marquette NE |
CDBG Private |
$ 100,000 $ 161,000 |
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Owner |
7900 Marquette NE |
CIP State CDBG |
$ 165,600 $ 40,000 $ 158,000 |
... is a community-driven project that unites Southeast Heights residents, service providers and business people with representatives of the Department of Health and students and faculty of the University of NM to improve public health conditions in the southeast quadrant of Albuquerque. With financial support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, CHP engages UNM graduate students in community-based research, service, and advocacy to develop better public health systems and policies. Student projects emphasize interdisciplinary learning and eliminating barriers to healthcare access. Among our current efforts we are: - Advocating for effective language interpreting services in local healthcare facilities - Evaluating the health needs and expereiences of Latino immigrants. - Assessing community assets in the Southeast Heights area. - Assisting a group of Mexican immigrant women to develop a housekeeping cooperative - Assessing housing and healthcare expereiences of tenants in the La Mesa & Trumbull neighborhoods.
For further information, please contact Dr. Peter Simonson (Project Coordinator), Anne Sensenig (Program Assistant), or Arturo Lopez (Community Liason)
7717 Zuni SE, Albuquerque NM 87108 - 505-266-0396 fax: 266-0177 email:
Because of the seriously deteriorated condition of the property, rehabilitation was not an option. The apartments were demolished and plans were initiated to develop a first time home buyer program.
In February of 1992, construction began on 11 town homes. Each town home consists of a living room/dining area, kitchen, laundry, closer, 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. Each unit also includes a garage, private backyard and landscaped front yard.
The homes were sold to lower income first-time home buyers. The sale price of each home was $59,000. The cost of the HOME loan to RHI was passed on to the buyer as a "silent second" mortgage. This means that the home buyers financed a first mortgage for an average of $43,600. The "silent second" mortgage is not paid as long as the home buyer remains in the house. Should the owner choose to sell the house, the "silent second" mortgage will be paid in full, with an equity share, to the City. Or, it may be passed on to the next home buyer, if they meet the lower income requirements.
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Developer |
525-543 Alcazar SE |
$ 121,000 $ 210,000 |
A grant was provided to RHI to purchase the property. A loan of $625,000 was made to finance the construction phase of the project. 10 single family homes were constructed. 5 homes are 3-bedroom and the remaining are 4-bedroom.
The 3-bedrooms houses sold for $80,589. The 4-bedroom houses for $90,000. Home purchasers received a subsidy, in the form of a "silent second mortgage" for between $16,500 to $22,000. This mortgage will not have to be repaid until the property is sold or assumed by another qualified home buyer.
The construction loan was repaid to the City, thus allowing further investment in housing development activities.
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Developer |
414-436 Indiana SE |
$ 853,000 |
PROPERTY | ADDRESS | DATE CERTIFIED | EXPIRES | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cinnamon Tree | 7220 Central SE | 06/14/1999 | 06/01/2001 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gould's | 8205 Trumbull SE | 08/18/1997 | 08/01/1999 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bosque Plaza | 8201 Marquette NE | 01/22/1998 | 01/01/2000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
El Paseo Village | 420 Coal SE | 09/29/1998 | 09/01/2000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hanosh Court | 205 Hanosh Ct. SE | 10/28/1998 | 10/01/2000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Los Altos Towers | 9125 Copper NE | 11/11/1998 | 11/01/2000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Villa Apts | 1111 Cardenas SE | 12/10/1998 | 12/01/2000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Villa de Paz | 7900 Bell SE | 03/08/1999 | 03/08/2001 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Developer |
Trumbull/Mesa area |
N/A |
$ N/A |
Multiple |
The program is targeted towards low income individuals who would live in one of the rental units, and rent out the balance. The program requires the candidate to attend educational and training instruction on Crime Free Multi Housing, apartment investment and apartment management.
The first property is scheduled to start in September, 1999.
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Developer |
La Mesa/Trumbull |
N/A |
$ N/A |
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Developer |
530 Charleston SE 436-444 Chama SE |
N/A |
$ N/A |
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Developer |
1201 San Pedro SE |
$ N/A |
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Developer |
1335 Ortiz SE |
$N/A |
$ N/A |
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Developer |
437 Kentucky SE |
$n/a |
$ N/A |
New Life Homes |
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Developer |
Palomas SE |
$n/a |
$ N/A |
Rehabilitation Veteran Services and Programs |
Address | Funding Source | Amount | Developer |
Palomas SE |
$n/a |
$ N/A |
June 1999 - The developer/buyer of the site - Kaufman & Broad has been selected to receive 9% low income housing tax credits for the site.
Closing is scheduled for November 1999 with construction to begin shortly thereafter. The community is planned to have 96 units (in Phase I) and will be tenatively called Aspen Plaza.
January 1999 - Through negotiations between our office and the Sacremento Grubb & Ellis Office - The seller (Lovelace Research Institute) puts together a deal using our feasibility study with Kaufman & Broad Multi-Housing Group to develop the site for multi-family using tax credits.
December 1998 - We are currently wrapping up a due-dilligence report and market study on the one of last prime parcels of Apartment Land for development. Located just north of the Gibson entrance to KAFB, and on Louisiana this 5.8 acre parcel of land is due north of the new Vietnam Veterans Memorial and South of the Phil Chacon Police Station. Please comeback to this page in the next couple of weeks for more information on Albuquerque's newest Retirment Style Apartment Community.
Additional Info: | Call Todd Clarke CCIM |
(505) 883-7676 Fax: (505) 837-1944 Address: 2340 Menaul NE Suite 200 Albuquerque NM 87107 | |
Information compiled from the Database of Todd Clarke CCIM and is © City of Albuquerque, and/or Todd Clarke CCIM and NM Apartment Report | |
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