Knowledge Is Power II... In the February
19, 1999, Dispatch, I mentioned a question from a Texas broker:
"How much market knowledge should I post at my web site?"
... Todd Clarke, a broker
with Grubb & Ellis|Lewinger
Hamilton in Albuquerque, NM, has more market data posted at
his web site than any other individual broker that I know. Listen
to Todd describe how he originally started out in the business (without
a track record to tout) and how he maintains his edge:
"I made
it my mission to collect more information on apartments than anyone
else in the state, and I gave it away free (really rare in a non-disclosure
state) -- in newsletters, speeches, and presentations. If someone
thought apartments, I wanted Todd Clarke to be their next and only
thought. ... The best thing that can happen is when I go into a
listing presentation and there are the last five years of my newsletters
in the owners' file or on his desk ... with comments scrawled across
the top. ... The web site works the same way. You have to offer
information to get a customer's interest. ... They do not care as
much about your history, good deeds or awards as they do about market
information (and I can prove it from a breakdown of my web hits
report every month -- my resume gets 1/100 as many hits as my presentations/newsletters
do). So I pack everything we do into our web site: press releases,
new projects, rumors, stats, listings, the whole enchilada. Am I
worried someone might steal it? Naw -- by the time they get it and
reproduce it, it is already out of date."
to the Top
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to the Top
--Peter Pike
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Peter Pike, PikeNet,
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