Spotlight New Mexico—employment changes across the state

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Text Box: Hobbs-Border Foods is adding a 200,000 square foot warehouse to accommodate the expanded production of southwestern food products. Company president Norman Mackenzie expects to see a 30% increase in production this year and also expects to see about 50 new jobs in the next two years. Border Foods employs about 1,500  seasonal workers and Text Box: Silver City- Stream International cut another 55 employees from its Silver City call center. The company had previously laid off about 400 employees. The company has lost several key contracts and has reduced its workforce by over sixty percent. Stream announced that it would completely shut down the Silver City call center by Text Box: Carlsbad- The Covenant Family Healthcare Center in Carlsbad will be closed, and more than 24 jobs will be lost in Carlsbad. The clinic operator, Covenant Medical Group will also close its clinic in Hobbs.
Text Box: Las Cruces- Memorial Medical Center announced that they would lay off another 19 workers at the end of March. An April opening is planned for a 10,000 square foot Garduno’s, and about 200 workers have been hired to staff the new restaurant.
Text Box: Clovis- A mid-May opening is planned for the Rib Crib, a barbecue restaurant that is part of an Oklahoma based chain of restaurants. About 80 to 100 workers will be employed at the Clovis location.
Text Box: Roswell-The state’s 18th Walmart Supercenter opened in Roswell on March 19. About 500 workers are employed at the new store.
Text Box: Albuquerque- Sixty Albuquerque area jobs may be lost when Johnson and Johnson closes one of its two Albuquerque-area manufacturing facilities. The facility to be closed produces operating room supplies including hats, gowns and implants. Johnson and Johnson said that they would seek employment opportunities for the displaced workers. The company also operates Ethicon Endo-Surgery, which employs about 900 workers. About 100 additional workers will be needed at Boeing-SVSí Albuquerque facility over the next two years. The company, which currently has about 180 employees, develops sensors, optical and electronic devices for missile defense and laser weapons. Maloney’s, an Irish themed restaurant and saloon, has about 90 employees. The Marie Callender’s Restaurant and Bakery closed in late
February.  Lubyís Cafeteria on Montgomery also closed recently as part of a corporate restructuring.
Sprint PCS is looking for 100 workers for its Rio Rancho call center. The wireless phone call center currently has about 1,000 employees, down from about 1,400 employees two years ago. BF Goodrich Aerospace laid off 18 workers at its Albuquerque
Space and Optical Systems Division.

Employment Stats










Santa Fe



Las Cruces
