Spotlight New Mexico—employment changes across the state

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Text Box: Albuquerque- Footstar, the parent company for Just for Feet and Footaction USA shoe stores, is closing 77 of its 429 stores. Two Albuquerque Just for Feet stores, and two Albuquerque Footaction stores are slated for closing at a date that has not yet been specified by the company. The 150 employees of the four affected stores will lose their jobs. Protective Services Industries has closed it’s call center Text Box: East Mountain- The first Walgreen's Drug Store in the east mountain area is scheduled to open on May 7, and will employ about 25 to 30 Text Box: Clovis- Construction of Clovis' first Chili's Grill and Bar Family Restaurant is slated to start this month, and about 100 workers will be needed to operate the Text Box: Rio Rancho- Phase 2 Solutions has selected the old Gateway call center for their new in-and-out bound call center operations and have hired 300 people. They may hire up to 300 more workers.
Text Box: Santa Fe- The Papa John's Pizza at 559 Cordova in Santa Fe closed in early March, and eliminated 20 to 25 jobs.
Text Box: Moriarty-In response to a newly proposed law, Sandia Tobacco Manufacturers of Moriarty said that it may reconsider its decision to locate a cigarette manufacturing and distribution facility in Moriarty. The Estancia Valley Economic Development Association advised the Torrance County Commission about the potential impact of House Bill 84. Signed into law on March 9th, the bill has the potential loss of 100 jobs in the Estancia Valley. The bill raises taxes on cigarette distributors, and may prompt Sandia Tobacco to relocate to one of the state's Indian reservations. The move would exempt the firm from the state's newly proposed tax as well as other tobacco

Employment Stats










Santa Fe



Las Cruces
